If you or your business have supplied goods or services to your customer on account and your customer has not paid you according to your agreed upon terms, then Texas law provides you with some powerful collection tools. These tools help you or your business speedily receive what you are owed or move toward judgment for what is rightfully yours.
If you or your business are owed money on account from your customers, then contact the Dallas Law Office of Pete Rowe to have a knowledgeable attorney begin collection activities on your behalf. The Law Office of Pete Rowe has enjoyed success collecting on past due business accounts including rapidly recovering a six figure trade debt for a sole proprietorship.
If you are being sued for a business or personal debt that you do not owe, then contact the Law Office of Pete Rowe to understand your rights and options. If you owe a debt and are having difficulty paying your creditor, then contact the Law Office of Pete Rowe to discuss your options. The Law Office of Pete Rowe will aggressively defend your interests so that you do not have pay what you do not owe.
In Texas, we are blessed to live in a State where most people still believe that “a deal is a deal.” Unfortunately, not all parties who enter into contracts deliver all of their promises. Sometimes, business considerations make it difficult for some people or businesses to deliver on their on their promises. At other times, people just refuse to perform their obligations. In any event, the party who has kept its word should not have to suffer financial consequences because the other party decided to breach the contract or fail to deliver on its promises.
If someone you contracted with has decided to not deliver on their promises, then contact the Law Office of Pete Rowe so that you can understand your rights, assert your rights, and pursue compensation for the damages the other party caused by not fulfilling its end of the bargain.
If you are being sued for breach of contract, then contact the Law Office of Pete Rowe. We can advise you of your rights and defenses and help you mount a vigorous defense to any breach of contract claim and investigate any possible legal claims you may have against the party you contracted with, and/or against any third person. The Law Office of Pete Rowe will aggressively defend you and your business interests throughout the litigation process.