Why Choose Pete Rowe?

The Law Office of Pete Rowe is successful because central and north Texans trust Pete Rowe to zealously represent them and they recommend him to their friends and family. Pete is honored by their faith in him, and he works every day to maintain his clients' trust. Here are some of the reasons his clients choose Pete.

Successful in the Courtroom

As an established attorney with a background in finance at a Fortune 100 company, Pete knows how to persuade judges, prosecutors and juries — and he's not afraid of a legal fight. He has successfully used his skills to protect children, preserve the freedom of good men and women accused of crimes, secure business assets, and get compensation for the injured.

Knowledgable and Trustworthy

Pete takes his advisory role very seriously. Pete understands the law and researches the law to get his clients the answers they need. Pete is committed to keeping clients informed about their cases. If you work with him, you will understand the legal process and your options. And you will feel safe discussing your confidential matters and personal concerns.

Always Available, Always Listens

Pete's client say over and over that Pete is always there for them. He returns calls promptly. He makes himself available in the evening when needed. He recognizes how important your case is to you and sees his work as a calling, not merely an occupation.

Wants to Help You Solve Your Legal Problem

Above all, Pete gets personal satisfaction from helping clients solve their legal problems. He loves his work and, if you win, he wins. You will see this in his unyielding commitment to your cause and his availability for a quick legal consultations for a reasonable fee on certain legal matters: no one should be denied legal advice because their means are limited.

Find out more about what clients say, in their own words. Or contact Pete Rowe yourself to find out how he can help you.